Sunday, May 3, 2015

Seconds or Leftovers?

I always wonder about selling seconds. I get really nervous about selling damaged or flawed work. It has my name on it, and I don't want people to judge me by inferior work. Heaven only knows how difficult it is to come up with something that "works". And, I can afford to be a snob, since ceramics is not my daily bread. Any work that doesn't meet the grade goes straight to the quality control shard pile. A few years ago, I gave a friend a large mended wall hanging. I gave it, because I wasn't sure how long the mending would last. I still worry about it.

This sale was nuts. It started at 10:00 a.m., and when I arrived at 10:10 a.m., it was crazy crowded. People were walking around with boxes full of work, or loot. It had the aura of a legendary Loehmann's sale. I've wondered about participating in this sale, but the timing is always a bit rough. Usually, it falls on one of the weekends during Open Studios. And, May is a busy month for me, with school coming to a close.

I'm thinking of having a studio clean-out sale this summer. It would be nice to sell work from the studio that hasn't sold, and is taking up room. Food for thought...

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