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My role model (with his subtle purple hat)... |
I am so thankful for the many blessings of last year. We welcomed a new baby, Andrew, into our family. My friend and nephew, Chris, was safe in Yemen. Personally, I think we all willed this safety to happen through prayer, constant worry, and through daily visits to the BBC News website, in order to ensure that all was well in Yemen for yet another day. I watched my capable niece, Jordan, struggle to find a job, and to finally find success, after not giving up hope. I was able to move my classroom without any major mishaps or injuries. I learned some hard art lessons, that frankly, needed to be learned. During the year, I felt grateful for the toughness and resilience of my brother and my sisters. I learned that my dad is even more faithful, dogged, and determined than I ever thought possible. And, I received the greatest blessing of all: the chance to spend more time with my mom and to be a "new and improved" daughter.
So what will 2014 bring? Well, here are a few resolutions that I don't mind sharing with you…
1) I will channel Christopher Foyle at my workplace. This means feeling confident about my skills and
my choices. I will not allow others to rope me into their junk, but will stay focused and steadfast in
my goal to try to do what is right for kids.
2) I will continue to job hunt over here on this side of the hill, taking a page from Jordan's book.
3) I will avoid getting sidetracked by the irrelevant, and will focus on my ethics as a person. I was
recently reading about Matisse. He was lamenting that he didn't paint like other people. Yet, he
continued to do what he needed to do, and to do it well. That is admirable. I feel that almost daily,
there are roadblocks and issues that divert me from doing what is best. May I climb over these
roadblocks in 2014. And, climb over them without grousing or fretting.
4) I will continue to make things. Sometimes it's difficult to balance time and energy in a busy life.
But, I will continue to place great importance on creativity. This means that I need to take time out
to exercise, walk the dog, and eat off of real plates. This past year, I took a lot of shortcuts with my
health, and paid a high price.
5) I will stop dying my hair. This seems kind of superficial, but I've earned my gray hair over the years.
Also, I don't want to be that 80 year-old woman with jet black hair.
6) I will take time out to enjoy the simple things, and to be a better sister and friend. Sitting in the
backyard is fine, it's a good use of time! Friends fill the soul.
7) I will read more books. My reading has really trailed off in the past few months. Here's to getting
back on track.
Love this list, Karen!